
Often you need to add an user's avatar to your app. In order to make this we have the component. Note: you have to use inline attributes for avatar image size.

Use below mentioned code to create an avatar.

    <div class="avatar">
    <span class="avatar-content"><i class="avatar-icon feather icon-github"></i></span>

Avatar Type Class Description
Basic .avatar.bg-* Use any template color from COLOR PALETTE that you like to add for avatar.
Avatar Sizes .avatar-{sm|lg|xl} Diffrent sizes for avatar.
Avatar Status .avatar-status-{online | offline | away | busy} Adds little element to avatar with color according to status.


Chips are compact elements that represent an input, attribute, or action.

Use below mentioned code to create a chip.

  <div class="chip">
  <div class="chip-body">
    <div class="avatar">
      <div class="avatar-content">
    <span class="chip-text">Avatar Text</span>
Chip Type Class Description
Basic .chip.chip-* Use any template color from COLOR PALETTE that you like to add for chip.
Avatar .avatar Adds avatar inside chip.
Closeable .chip-closeable creates a closeable chip.


Divide text or section components with some great features and quick to implement.

Use below mentioned code to create a divider.

    <div class="divider">
    <div class="divider-text">My Text</div>
Divider Type Class Description
Basic Divider .divider Creates a divider
Divider Text .divider-text Adds text between divider.
Position .divider-{left|left-center|right|right-center} Changes divider text position.
Colors .divider-* Changes divider color.
Style .divider-{dotted | dashed} Changes divider style.